Choose Your Passion Over a Paycheck Featuring Mario Beltran

On this episode, Joey Stanizzi, Colin Cunningham, and Dylan Schuett interview Mario Beltran, head strength coach and aspiring national champion in Olympic weightlifting. He left a stable job to pursue his passions in the fitness industry and he hasn't looked back since.
Beltran, from Tyler, Texas, has been competing in Olympic lifting since 2018. He was met with the decision not too long before to either stick to his steady job or pursue a career in fitness. If most people were in his position, they would've stuck like a leech to the steady job, especially considering he's entering one of the most saturated industries in the world, and he doesn't have a college degree to fall back on.
He explains in the interview how he'd much rather fail at something he's passionate about and that when it comes between money and passion, you have to choose passion every time. Like the most successful people in the world say, if you love it enough, and you give it enough of your energy, you can make a living off of it. If you think about it, it's true. Once upon a time, Harvey Ball drew a smiley face outlined with a circle and filled it with yellow. Today, SmileyWorld owns the design and makes over $250 million a year.
It's amazing what passion can do.
What an insightful interview and the perfect example of pursuing what you love most. You can follow him on Instagram @mariobfit
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You can watch the full episode with video on our YouTube channel - The Underdog Brand
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